On the drive up, we saw zebra, baboons, impala, and I missed those camera opportunities as well. However, while driving through the Rift Valley, I did have my camera handy but the picture does not do it justice. We stayed over night in Kitale and then drove the next day finally arriving at our new home in Lokichogio on Monday evening. Here is what it looks like after a lot of cleaning:
Yea for toilets and toilet paper!
Our room with my bug safety zone...Hey, I am a girl, so it is expected.
Guest Bedroom...working on the bug free zone for this one.
Wait, two bathrooms?! How cool is this?
Our relaxing area with a makeshift table.
And that is how we get around out here....think its big enough?
So, guess what surprise comes with the house...a mouse eater...guess it can stay.
Our giant yard, but home to many cool birds.
We are getting adjusted, slowly but surly. Knowing that people are daily praying for us is helping us get through those moments of homesickness. God has been so good to us and has blessed us with: solar panels (which provide electricity during the day), batteries (which provide it at night), internet (slow but sooo thankful for this since it is not accessible in South Sudan), back up generator, and a water tank which provides running water. We begin language learning soon, but have already had opportunities to share Christ. To God be all the glory!