Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Click, click, click...

Your palms sweat and your heart accelerates as the roller coaster inches its way to the top of the hill. We only have one more week of training and only one month before we will be on a plane headed to our new home! The excitement is mixed with anxiety, joy and stress. As we head into this intimate time with family, our prayer is that we make good memories and not be distracted from the moments at hand by worrying about the good-byes ahead.

Our time at training has deepen our respect for the International Missions Board (IMB) and we feel completely competent in their support, direction, leadership and stewardship. You have hopefully heard about the Lottie Moon Christmas offering, and we hope that you will prayfully consider giving to the fund this year.  Did you know that 100% of the funds go straight to missionaries overseas? If the trend continues of lack of funding, missionaries will be pulled off the field. It is no longer about 'who will go' but about 'who will send those willing to go.'

Thank you for your prayers, and please feel free to email us your prayer request as well. Please continue to pray that:

*Our house in Lynchburg, VA will sell (it is now being rented)
*Good quality time with family and friends during Christmas
*All the loose ends and logistics will come together while we prepare to leave
*A good, patient tutor will be hired for us-one that can learn us real good!

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